Club Booking

Booking the venue

The social club is available for private use by full members (i.e. not junior members) outside of the usual club activities. Members will need to have been members for one year before requesting the booking and the Committee will assess each application. Members are invited to make a donation for use of the premises, we recommend an amount of £7.50 per hour the club is in use, with a minimum donation of £10. Our full terms and conditions are available to read here.

Village groups and organisations making regular use of the Club are also asked to make a donation to cover our running costs (heat, light, electric etc), as stated above.

If you wish to make a booking request please complete the form below. If you have any questions about bookings, please get in touch with us. If you wish to make a donation, please download this form and return it to the Club with your donation.

Click here to read our Privacy Policy

Booking request form

No booking(s) will be confirmed until approved by the Social Club Committee. Members/ organisations wishing to book the Club must allow adequate time for the Committee to consider their request. Booking requests not received in a timely manner will be rejected. You must read and agree to our Terms of booking

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Address *
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Arrangements for post event clearing up *

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